Monday, October 31, 2011

38 Arrests at OccupyAustin | #OccupyUnveiled

One of our authors was handing out surveys at City Hall last night and subsequently witnessed the events that took place:
I first arrived mid-day and began introducing myself and getting to know people. We talked while some filled out our surveys. I got a great response from the survey, people were thanking me and this blog for the opportunity to speak as an individual. A few hours later, the sun was going down and I was freezing. Went home, ate, bundled up for the chilly night and headed back to City Hall. I continued passing out surveys for a few more hours, but was interrupted by Police action. The Police organized into a straight line and marched up the steps conveying confrontational body language. The brave ones did not move for the City Hall employee and the Police proceeded to push people aside, thus allowing the employee to confiscate the food table.

During the first two waves of Police attempting to intimidate everyone, 10 people were arrested for standing their ground. The people did not move as they blocked the table, the Police acted aggressively as they pushed them aside while passing around zip-ties. One Occupier said:
"The cop came up to me and I told him I wasn't moving. Then they started passing around zip-ties, getting ready to haul everyone away. Once I saw those zip-ties, I moved!"
Around this time, a Police van (used to haul people to jail) pulled up. At least five demonstrators were put into the van and shortly after, another van parked just behind the first. The use of power washers was announced to take place around 2AM/2:30AM, the demonstrators were discussing their options such as: we can stay as we are now and risk arrest, or we can move our belongings while they clean the area. Both vans pulled away as others helped move blankets, sleeping bags, computers, gadgets and what little was left of the food supply. After watching the videos online, documenting the tragic event in Oakland, I didn't stay much longer. As an observer, I was not willing to get arrested. Once the night was over, a total of 38 people were arrested by Police for defending the second food table and defending their right to assembly.

I personally have been skeptical about end result of OWS; however, these people have a right to assemble at City Hall. Unfortunately, we still have more surveys to pass around before publishing the results. Major Media corporations would learn a thing or two from these surveys and we intend to pass on the stats. On a lighter note; we sincerely hope all 38 people have been released from jail.

Stay strong and stand your ground.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fired for Supporting OWS | #OccupyUnveiled

It seems quite a few people have lost their jobs by attending OWS, or simply supporting the movement. Below are a few quotes from different sources and perspectives:

NPR Fires Show Host for Organizing OWS Protests

"An ‘Occupy DC’ protest organizer has been fired from a program on a prominent state-sponsored radio network for acting as a spokeswoman for the Occupy protesters in Washington. Lisa Simeone was fired Wednesday evening by National Public Radio (NPR) from the show “SoundPrint,” one of the two public radio programs she hosts, the Associated Press reported." (Infowars)

“I find it puzzling that NPR objects to my exercising my rights as an American citizen, the right to free speech, the right to peaceable assembly on my own time in my own life,” Simeone told reporters." (Inforwars)

NPR Fires Opera Host for Helping OWS

"NPR will no longer distribute the program World of Opera to about 60 stations across the country because the show's host, Lisa Simeone, helped organize the Occupy DC protest. "I don't cover news. In none of the shows that I do, do I cover the news," Simeone said. "What is NPR afraid I'll do? Insert a seditious comment into a synopsis of Madame Butterfly?"" (Drudge Retort)

Second Public Radio Freelancer Fired for OWS Support #p2 #tcot

"A second public radio freelancer has lost her job for taking part in the Occupy Wall Street protests. Caitlin Curran, who says she was fired from her freelance position with WNYC’s The Takeaway after her bosses learned of her participation in a demonstration in New York City, recounted her story in a first-person account for Gawker that was published Friday." (newspoodle's posterous)

"Curran’s version of events breaks down roughly like so: She attended the event more or less as a spectator, but when her boyfriend began to suffer from "sign-holding fatigue," she briefly took over. A photo of her, sign in hand, quickly made the rounds on the Internet. Thinking she had a great story on her hands, she pitched a segment on her newfound notoriety to her producers, who were less than impressed with her journalistic chops and fired her, saying that she had "violated every ethic of journalism.""

Another Public Radio Employee Canned for 'Occupy' Activism | #OWS

"I know I've been critical of #OWS, but I think NPR is actually wrong here and it shows you how petty and untrustable they are as an organization. Yes that means I disagree with Newsbusters as well. Look closer and read her sign and you see that she is stating an apolitical fact. I don't endorse her personal views, but she is correct. The behavior of many bankers were in fact unethical. My argument against her is that the system that was set up by liberals to encourage loans to the poor was the cause because you really can not legislate morality, however by stating the facts on her sign she really isn't giving a political view. It is amusing that she has to lie about the context of the picture, because if she were brighter and better informed she might of known she isn't actually breaking any journalism rule. This shows you two things. How incredibly unethical and paranoid NPR is as an entity, but it also shows how stupid their reporters are that they can't even save their own skins by pointing out their obvious innocence." An excellent article by Noah David Simon

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Friday, October 28, 2011

NYPD Removes Generators from OWS | #OccupyUnveiled

Portable Solar Generator
The generators at OWS, essential for perpetuating the digital movement, have been hauled away by Police. In the past, reports said Police were confiscating gasoline cans, thus making it impossible to fuel the generators. Without either gasoline and generators, the movement on the digital front may slow down. However, this gives great motivation to request as many solar generator donations as possible. If and when OWS can/will overcome this obstacle, it's possible for Green organisations to lend support for the movement. Contact Green orgs for donations. Better yet, request if not DEMAND for Al Gore to purchase a few generators - put his money where his mouth is.

"New York firefighters removed about a dozen gasoline cans and six generators from Zuccotti Park, where Occupy Wall Street protesters have camped for almost six weeks, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said." (Bloomberg)

"The equipment, which helped power computers and mobile phones and keep people warm as temperatures dipped near freezing, are safety hazards and illegal, Bloomberg said. Forecasts call for rain and snow in the metropolitan area tomorrow." (Bloomberg)

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Keep Wall Street Occupied #OccupyMail | #OccupyUnveiled

This is brutal honesty at its finest; have a laugh and enjoy the video.

#OccupyMail #OccupyTheBanks

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Unfortunate Isolated Incidents | #OccupyUnveiled

Many have asked the question "is OWS anti-Semitic?"
Answer: As a whole, no.

Are there a few individuals ranting how Jews control the world and banking?
Answer: Yes, a few.

What really throws people off is the list of OWS supporters; here's the current list:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, President Barack Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton, New York Communities for Change,, rumored officials in Iran and China, The American Communist Party, The American Nazi Party and lastly CAIR. In addition to the (for lack of a better term) diverse list above, the next wave of supporters which has appeared on the scene, include: some supporters who claim to be left-wing, anti-Israel Jews, along with Chabad; the Conservative Movement; Jewish Theological Seminary; and others are vowing support. If you’re attempting to logically explain why and how Jews and Nazi’s could possibly support the same cause, you’re not alone.

Without offending any supporters of the names/organizations above, it is safe to say most if not 99.99% of OWS protesters DO NOT want support from the American Nazi Party. In fact, some posts on have expressed disgust and embarrassment by this news. Many have stated along the lines of: "we should make it very clear, they are NOT welcome"

In light of this news, it's no wonder how the media can justify demonizing OWS. It is essential that OWS publicly announce it's disapproval of the American Nazi Party's support; in other words, tell them off asap.

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Big Government and Big Business are Indistinguishable | #OccupyUnveiled

This image (below) portrays everything you need to know about OWS and the Tea Party - if we come together, we can be a stronger country representing all the people. Big Government and Big Business joined together long ago; it's time for the people of OWS and the Tea Party to join together to regain control of the Legislature to insure our rights and freedoms, as US Citizens.

Big Business [large corporations] and Big Government have been working together to increase their power/control, fiscal solvency, and political influence before the onset of the industrial revolution in the mid-late 1800's. Wealth creates power and some of the most powerful families of American, include: Vanderbelt [Railroad]; Rothschild [Banking]; Carnegie [Steel]; Rockefeller [Steel & Standard Oil, who are known as "Baptist Capitalists"]; DuPont "E.I. Du Pont de Nemours" [Gun Power and Munitions, who was profiting from selling to both the North and the South during the Civil War]; Cooke [founder of the union and northern pacific railroad]; Payne-Whitney [Railroad] You might recognize the name Payne-Webber [Investment Banking]; Thomas F. Ryan [Tobacco & Insurance]; Samuel Brannan [owned one fourth of Sacramento & one fifth of San Francisco]; and last, but certainly not least is the Getty [Oil & Trust] Art Museum - The Getty is involved in a controversy regarding proper title to some of the artwork in it's collection. The Museum's previous curator of antiquities, Marion True, was indicted in Italy in 2005 (along with famed dealer Robert Hecht Jr.) on criminal charges relating to trafficking in stolen antiquities].


Many of these original corporations are still major players in the political arena, as well as, Wall Street. There is a long history of lobbyists and special interest groups, who are paid by these powerful corporations to influence, persuade, and even occasionally coerce politicians to pass laws which are fiscally beneficial to the interests and bottom of the corporations. Many of these wealthy and powerful corporations (families) have family members in the Legislature. IT'S ALL CONNECTED, PEOPLE! The prime example is the issues avoiding the regulations of the EPA: These big, wealthy, powerful corporations can and do purchase exemption vouchers from the EPA and the US Gov. when they go over their allotted pollution limits. They simply buy more.......thus, giving them the freedom and access to do whatever is in their best interest and the financial interests of their stockholders, regardless of the laws we, as the people, believe to be in effect as enforceable laws. The bottom line is this: In 2011, there is no difference between the Corporations and the US Government. Our country declared Bankruptcy in 1929 after the Stock market Crash. This is when these wealthy and powerful companies solidified their control. They actually own the USA. Get it people???

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Defending Against Tear Gas | #OccupyUnveiled

@OccupyMedia was kind enough to put together a nice poster about tear gas and protective gear. In case there are more incidents of Police brutality, please use this poster as a reference guide.
Make sure to thank @OccupyMedia on twitter!

Here are some suggestions for recommended equipment:

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is It Time for a Tactical Change? | #OccupyUnveiled

Message to Occupy Protesters: Is It Time for a Tactical Change?by Joseph Metallo

With all the police move-ins on groups of Occupy protesters in the past days, here is something that has been on my mind. The "Occupy" (insofar as actually camping out) gimmick has reached about the end of whatever good it can do, in my opinion. It appears it can only become increasingly counter-productive and a liability from here on out. It's taking the focus off of the issues the movement is really about and putting focus on the clashes between police and protesters. That doesn't exactly help you any since it makes those in the public who are for you even more for you and those who are against you even more against you.

Obviously when the first protesters began in NYC, they couldn't have had any clue that the movement would grow to have the awareness of the world upon it like it does now. If you think about what really happened, many people jumped on board the "Occupy" bandwagon--just like we would do with the "trends that are hot this summer"--only because they shared the feelings of mass injustice encompassed and vocalized by the movement. And it was all done without thinking of the implications of many people camping out in many areas. "Camping out" served its purpose with the initial protest, by drawing attention to itself and unexpectedly ballooning with unprecedented support. But I think it is probably time to think about dialing back on that aspect--or at least to do so would best serve the cause.

There are many in the public who say that the protesters deserve whatever crackdown they get by foolhardily occupying these locations. And it is of my opinion that they are largely correct, regardless of your stance on whether the police are justified in their actions.

I think that assembling every day and then going back to wherever you are from won't hurt the cause any. Doing so could only help it really, by giving the oligarchs less of a "reasonable" reason for showing a stern hand, and by garnering more support if they still decide to attack you. By continuing to perpetually occupy these areas, you are in the end only helping them by giving them this "justification". You have to keep in mind that it only serves to give the police more "reason" to crack down on you and further solidifies the opinions of some of the public against you.

One major con of permanent occupational activity is that being in these very vulnerable groups 24/7 will attract some people who are only looking for trouble: say, to rape and cause fights. Whether or not this has anything to do with you, regardless of how sanitary you keep the areas, it will still reflect badly on you in public opinion. You are merely giving the media fodder for no other reason than "This is the way it started out."

Occupiers, remember: The first step of this battle you are fighting is largely an informational war. You need to think about what messages you are projecting, even via the basic organization of how the movement is set up, just as the politicians would.

You can be a peaceful movement, by all means, and even still Occupy all these locations daily, but the camping out seems a bit superfluous. You need to show yourselves to be very flexible depending on what is thrown at you, and try your best to get the widest support possible. Changing your ideas in order to get that support isn't possible, but changing your tactics very well is.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not on the ground with you all, so I can't say all this with 100% certainty. Maybe by not being on the ground, I am missing something that is very vital. I'm sure that "un-occupying" on a nightly basis would give rise to other issues as well, such as maybe some who are at the protests that have no place to go. But it would help solve the issue of the upcoming flu season to at least some extent, and possibly allow for some of the donations that would go toward vaccination and other medical issues to be used to find some sort of lodging for such people. I'm sure you can all figure out something if you work together.

Eventually there may even be people planted within the movement for the sole purpose of sparking riots and pinning it all on the Occupy group in further attempts to cast a negative light on you and orchestrate a "response" from officials. Keep this in mind. The political world is a dirty one. If you don't desire to have a true leader--or if he who is destined just has not stepped up yet--you at least need to decide upon spokespeople who can relay things to the media on behalf of the group. Maybe you're doing this and the messages just aren't allowed to reach the other end. But one thing seems to be very important for your (and maybe our) future: There needs to be some call to assemble representatives from all of the movements in one location to decide on something substantial. I have seen some efforts in regard to this end already, so I have hopes for you yet.

I think a supporter of the movement said it better and more succinctly than I could have hoped to with this:

"I agree our focus right now should be on developing and fleshing out these new social institutions [our individual Occupy groups]. I think we should be conscious about getting to the point where we don't need the occupations to sustain our institutions, but we shouldn't end the occupations until we get to that point. As long as we require the occupations to sustain our general assemblies (and associated working groups), we will necessarily have a precarious political position. I can't speak for anywhere but Tucson: in Tucson, we're not ready to end the occupation. We need more time."

And in the words of another supporter:

"Through effective use of media we can BE together anywhere, everywhere, anytime, all of the time. We can act in a totally coordinated way and demonstrate convincingly, that we are still here, still together, still waiting impatiently for solutions. We can trigger flash mobs, that can assemble anywhere, anytime unbelievably quickly and disappear before police can mobilize and disperse us."

I figure it is best to be realistic and mindful of Plan Bs. There is strength in numbers--the more of you there are, the less likely you are to forget about a potential weakness within you.

One last thing, it is not admitting defeat to discontinue the camp-outs. If you are to be noble and respectful about this and truly hope for it to be a peaceful movement, then there is no reason to not change your tactics. Because as it stands, we all know what they are going to do in an increasing fashion, and sticking around and waiting for it is only putting your brothers and sisters at risk of harm.

You also need to be very mindful of the potential for Martial Law being declared, and I think avoidance of it is one of the main reasons you should look to change your tactics. I thought the whole idea was to have a peaceful movement, not to just stake out in a certain place and ignore when the city says, "Please don't camp there," just waiting and bracing for the inevitable showdown...

If you agree with me, then maybe you should bring the issue up in your next General Assembly. Each location's needs are specific, so it should be up to each faction to decide what is best to continue their message.

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Ex-ACORN Officials paying OWS Portesters? | #OccupyUnveiled

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
At least according to Fox News, EX-ACORN officials are working behind the scenes with #OWS. Some are even suggesting that EX-ACORN officials worked with AdBusters to form the OccupyWallStreet Movement. Former New York ACORN director, Jon Kest, has formed a new group called "New York Communities for Change". In other words, ACORN had a face-lift. The NY Communities for Change is openly supporting the #OWS movement. If anyone remembers the strange links to Obama and ACORN, this may be why Obama has shown support (or at least compassion) for the OWS protests.

The New York Communities for Change had this to say in response to Fox News:

Uniting Neighbors in the Fight for Economic Justice
"Fox News is trying to discredit Occupy Wall Street. New York Communities for Change is a new organization that fights for low- and moderate-income families," the agency said in the online statement, credited to board member Linnette Ebanks. "We don't pay protesters and any monies raised by NYCC's canvass are used in support of our ongoing issue campaigns. Period." (Fox News)

FrontPageMag had an interesting take on this news:

"Evidence suggests that ACORN, the Left’s premiere astro-turfing organization, has been paying people to participate in the Occupy Wall Street protests."  
"Astro-turfing campaigns can generate big money, and ACORN’s lucrative protest-for-profit program is nothing new. As I note in my book, Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers, ACORN has acquired great expertise in manufacturing so-called grassroots protests." 
"Left-wing loan sharks Herb and Marion Sandler, the founders of World Savings Bank, gave ACORN affiliates close to $11 million to manufacture mobs to protest their competition in subprime mortgage lending. The United Federation of Teachers paid ACORN $500,000 to create a spontaneous uprising against charter schools in Manhattan."

Does this hold water? Can anyone confirm being a paid protester? Can anyone confirm if this is an attempt to discredit the OWS movement? If you wish to remain anonymous, we respect your wishes. A protester reported receiving $10.00 per hour while attending the demonstrations in NY; is this true?

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'Declaration of the Occupation of New York City' | #OccupyUnveiled

The first official release from the Wall Street Occupiers has arrived. This will finally (hopefully) answer most outstanding questions. Below is a preview, here is the Official Link to the document.

"This was unanimously voted on by all members of Occupy Wall Street last night, around 8pm, Sept 29. It is our first official document for release. We have three more underway, that will likely be released in the upcoming days: 1) A declaration of demands. 2) Principles of Solidarity 3) Documentation on how to form your own Direct Democracy Occupation Group."  
"Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies."

Please visit the link and read the entire document. Leave comments, tell us what you think of these voted on proposals. Did they get it right or is there still room for improvement?
Let us know asap.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tear Gas Deployed at #OccupyOakland | #OccupyUnveiled

(UPDATED) To all present at #OccupyOakland:

This is a major event, thank you to the brave individual for continuing to film. Clearly, Police feel this movement is worth using force to disperse supporters. #OccupyUnveiled would be honored to feature personal accounts from witnesses. There is no limit to how short or long an article can be, please send us your testimony. The use of tear gas and bean bag ammo have been reportedly used by the Police; however, they deny that ever took place. Now, reports of an Iraq War Veteran in critical condition - a round of tear gas was a direct hit to Scott Olsen's head, fracturing his skull.

Inform the world from your eyes, words and hearts.

From the ground of #OWS:
 Nicole Aptekar
Ok. We just consensed. is giving $20,000 to in solidarity. STAY STRONG OAKLAND!

A serious question comes to mind: $20,000 is not chump change; where did this money come from? Though this is a nice gesture, who was the donor so we can give credit to them?

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#OWS' AdBusters want 'Robin Hood' Tax | #OccupyUnveiled

Oct. 29th AdBusters

The Huffington Post has released an interesting article regarding new policy demands from #OWS. Coincidentally this suggestion did not come from #OWS, it came from its originators- AdBusters. Please visit the link below and read the rest of the article.

Adbusters Calls For Occupy Wall Street To Demand G20 Impose 'Robin Hood' Tax
The Huffington Post

"NEW YORK (Michelle Nichols) - An anti-capitalist group which sparked the Occupy Wall Street movement has called for global protests Saturday to demand G20 leaders impose a ``Robin Hood'' tax on financial transactions and currency trades." (Huffington Post)
"Canada-based Adbusters wants the Occupy Wall Street protest movement against economic inequality to take to the streets to call for a 1 percent tax on such deals ahead of a Nov. 3-4 summit of the Group of 20 leading economies in France." (Huffington Post)
This is an interesting proposal from AdBusters, what are your thoughts? Do you agree with this proposal? What are the possible ramifications (if any)? Here's what AdBusters wrote on their site about the "Robin Hood" Tax:
"Let's send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some of that $1.3 trillion easy money that's sloshing around the global casino each day -- enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world,'' (AdBusters)
On that note, let's examine an early statement and a recent statement regarding #OWS by AdBusters:

Adbusters , 30 Sep 2011
"#OCCUPYWALLSTREET is thundering across America, threatening to morph into a full fledged national movement. Channeling the nonviolence of the Egyptian Tahrir Square uprising and the bottom-up collective decision making of the Spanish acampadas, we vow to end the monied corruption of our democracy." (AdBusters)
 Adbusters , 17 Oct 2011
"As the movement matures, let's consider a response to our critics. Let's occupy the core of our global system. Let's dethrone the greed that defines this new century,'' (AdBusters) 
"On October 29, on the eve of the G20 Leaders Summit in France, let's the people of the world rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately impose a 1% #ROBINHOOD tax on all financial transactions and currency trades." (AdBusters)
Stay tuned for Oct. 29th.

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Dear #OWS Audience | #OccupyUnveiled

The people of the world deserve to know the facts behind #OccupyWallStreet, #OccupyUnveiled will serve the people doing just that. This blog is dedicated to finding all of the answers, thus giving everyone the ability to make an informed decision of whether or not to support this movement. #OccupyUnveiled's goal is to deliver facts and personal accounts, without swaying the reader's opinions. The personal accounts/interviews may be subjective, you must judge the content for yourself.

More often that not, the supporters of #OWS are not aware of basic facts concerning the movement. This comes as a surprise if not a shock to most people. For individuals to dedicate every minute of everyday and even sleeping in Zuccotti/Liberty Park, research is most definitely required. When viewing this blog, the reader will leave knowing more than before visiting. This way, more people are given the chance to learn about #OWS and decide for themselves.

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