Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fired for Supporting OWS | #OccupyUnveiled

It seems quite a few people have lost their jobs by attending OWS, or simply supporting the movement. Below are a few quotes from different sources and perspectives:

NPR Fires Show Host for Organizing OWS Protests

"An ‘Occupy DC’ protest organizer has been fired from a program on a prominent state-sponsored radio network for acting as a spokeswoman for the Occupy protesters in Washington. Lisa Simeone was fired Wednesday evening by National Public Radio (NPR) from the show “SoundPrint,” one of the two public radio programs she hosts, the Associated Press reported." (Infowars)

“I find it puzzling that NPR objects to my exercising my rights as an American citizen, the right to free speech, the right to peaceable assembly on my own time in my own life,” Simeone told reporters." (Inforwars)

NPR Fires Opera Host for Helping OWS

"NPR will no longer distribute the program World of Opera to about 60 stations across the country because the show's host, Lisa Simeone, helped organize the Occupy DC protest. "I don't cover news. In none of the shows that I do, do I cover the news," Simeone said. "What is NPR afraid I'll do? Insert a seditious comment into a synopsis of Madame Butterfly?"" (Drudge Retort)

Second Public Radio Freelancer Fired for OWS Support #p2 #tcot

"A second public radio freelancer has lost her job for taking part in the Occupy Wall Street protests. Caitlin Curran, who says she was fired from her freelance position with WNYC’s The Takeaway after her bosses learned of her participation in a demonstration in New York City, recounted her story in a first-person account for Gawker that was published Friday." (newspoodle's posterous)

"Curran’s version of events breaks down roughly like so: She attended the event more or less as a spectator, but when her boyfriend began to suffer from "sign-holding fatigue," she briefly took over. A photo of her, sign in hand, quickly made the rounds on the Internet. Thinking she had a great story on her hands, she pitched a segment on her newfound notoriety to her producers, who were less than impressed with her journalistic chops and fired her, saying that she had "violated every ethic of journalism.""

Another Public Radio Employee Canned for 'Occupy' Activism | #OWS

"I know I've been critical of #OWS, but I think NPR is actually wrong here and it shows you how petty and untrustable they are as an organization. Yes that means I disagree with Newsbusters as well. Look closer and read her sign and you see that she is stating an apolitical fact. I don't endorse her personal views, but she is correct. The behavior of many bankers were in fact unethical. My argument against her is that the system that was set up by liberals to encourage loans to the poor was the cause because you really can not legislate morality, however by stating the facts on her sign she really isn't giving a political view. It is amusing that she has to lie about the context of the picture, because if she were brighter and better informed she might of known she isn't actually breaking any journalism rule. This shows you two things. How incredibly unethical and paranoid NPR is as an entity, but it also shows how stupid their reporters are that they can't even save their own skins by pointing out their obvious innocence." An excellent article by Noah David Simon

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  1. Hey whats up, this is John I met you down @ CityHall we had a cool convo later in the night i enjoyed it. Hit me back. =)

  2. Hi John! Sorry I wasn't there yesterday like I promised. I enjoyed our conversation, too. Why don't you email me at and let me know when you're over there.


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