Friday, October 28, 2011

Big Government and Big Business are Indistinguishable | #OccupyUnveiled

This image (below) portrays everything you need to know about OWS and the Tea Party - if we come together, we can be a stronger country representing all the people. Big Government and Big Business joined together long ago; it's time for the people of OWS and the Tea Party to join together to regain control of the Legislature to insure our rights and freedoms, as US Citizens.

Big Business [large corporations] and Big Government have been working together to increase their power/control, fiscal solvency, and political influence before the onset of the industrial revolution in the mid-late 1800's. Wealth creates power and some of the most powerful families of American, include: Vanderbelt [Railroad]; Rothschild [Banking]; Carnegie [Steel]; Rockefeller [Steel & Standard Oil, who are known as "Baptist Capitalists"]; DuPont "E.I. Du Pont de Nemours" [Gun Power and Munitions, who was profiting from selling to both the North and the South during the Civil War]; Cooke [founder of the union and northern pacific railroad]; Payne-Whitney [Railroad] You might recognize the name Payne-Webber [Investment Banking]; Thomas F. Ryan [Tobacco & Insurance]; Samuel Brannan [owned one fourth of Sacramento & one fifth of San Francisco]; and last, but certainly not least is the Getty [Oil & Trust] Art Museum - The Getty is involved in a controversy regarding proper title to some of the artwork in it's collection. The Museum's previous curator of antiquities, Marion True, was indicted in Italy in 2005 (along with famed dealer Robert Hecht Jr.) on criminal charges relating to trafficking in stolen antiquities].


Many of these original corporations are still major players in the political arena, as well as, Wall Street. There is a long history of lobbyists and special interest groups, who are paid by these powerful corporations to influence, persuade, and even occasionally coerce politicians to pass laws which are fiscally beneficial to the interests and bottom of the corporations. Many of these wealthy and powerful corporations (families) have family members in the Legislature. IT'S ALL CONNECTED, PEOPLE! The prime example is the issues avoiding the regulations of the EPA: These big, wealthy, powerful corporations can and do purchase exemption vouchers from the EPA and the US Gov. when they go over their allotted pollution limits. They simply buy more.......thus, giving them the freedom and access to do whatever is in their best interest and the financial interests of their stockholders, regardless of the laws we, as the people, believe to be in effect as enforceable laws. The bottom line is this: In 2011, there is no difference between the Corporations and the US Government. Our country declared Bankruptcy in 1929 after the Stock market Crash. This is when these wealthy and powerful companies solidified their control. They actually own the USA. Get it people???

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