Friday, November 18, 2011

A People’s Congress | #OccupyUnveiled

A link was forwarded to me about forming a "People's Congress". Here is a preview below:

We need a political system that is not dominated by huge sums of money nor subject to rampant corruption. A system that accounts for the needs of the many in conjunction with the needs of the planet’s ecological balance. The General Assemblies found at the heart of each Occupy encampment resemble the idea of Peoples Congress.

The key democratic tenets of consensus and direct democracy are indeed found at the heart of the General Assemblies guiding principles and that is in line with the kinds of practices needed to insure a genuine democratic process. So we have a vigorous movement with the right set of guiding principles—now what? The question is how does the Occupy Movement become effective in its goals to create the kinds of changes we need to successfully address the issues of the day and near future?

Let’s look to the American Revolution for clues to the elements of a successful revolution and of how to organize a permanent political body.

The first ingredient is dissatisfaction to the point of open rebellion against the current system of governance. The Occupy Movement has signaled that open rebellion is fast becoming the norm. The American Revolutionaries then drafted a constitution.

The Occupy Movement must now draft it own constitution using the crowd sourced method that Iceland recently used to create theirs. Once we have a popularly ratified constitution in place we can then create a list of the changes we want the U.S. Government to enact.

The people can then vote on what the priorities should be. We can’t throw the whole kitchen sink at them at once and expect them to act. We start with priority number one and do what it takes to get priority one addressed and so on down the list.

Click here to view the entire article.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Obama Bows Before Mao | #OccupyUnveiled

The US and Canada had arranged a deal that would create jobs (mostly union jobs) from the Keystone XL Pipeline contract. President Obama recently delayed, or rather dropped out of the contract with our northern neighbor. However, Canada has not postponed the pipeline construction and is looking for new investors and contractors. Many Asian countries are lined up and it just so happens China is the front runner.
Image source: LATimes

Trade your soul for:
A) Keystone XL
B) China
This may appeal to environmentalists for the time being; yet, the project has only switched hands. The environmental implications are still emanate, even without US involvement. Unions and workers are furious, China has dominated again thanks to Obama.

Will the environmentalists protesting Keystone XL in San Fransisco direct their objections to Canada and China? They most certainly should. The pipeline is very complicated; on one hand you have the environmental implications and on the other you create an upwards of 100,000+ jobs and billions have been estimated to stimulate the economy. President Obama's decision to delay may determine the 2012 election, we'll wait and see.

Most are simply unaware of China's recent real estate purchases in Central America around the Panama Canal. China owns ALL of the land surrounding the Canal, thus controlling who goes in and out... and at what price. And now with the last major public works projects of the decade sold to the highest bidder, to China no less, unions and workers should unite with outrage. How can Obama sacrifice the welfare and future employment of this country for political gain and international favor with China? President Obama's actions speak loud and clear, he is more than willing to bow before Mao and hang the Star Spangled Banner out to dry.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

'Real Life Renegades' by J.C. Fiske | #OccupyUnveiled

"As I sit down to write this blog entry, I look around and take in my surroundings. I have a roof over my head, I am free to wear nothing but my Spongebob-Squarepants Boxers, Elvis is playing on my record player, and I am doing what I love more than anything else . . . writing. But this is only possible because of the men and women in our armed forces who, even now, fight for my protection and the freedom to sit on my ass and write fiction. This blog is dedicated to you, brave warriors. Your sacrifice isn’t, and will never be, lost on me."

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Survey Stats & Quotes from OccupyAustin | #OccupyUnveiled

Click here to view entire document on Scribd
OccupyAustin Survey Results 10-2011

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Religious Perspectives of OWS | #OccupyUnveiled

OccupyBoston will be labeled as "anti-Semitic" by media for protesting outside of the Israeli Consulate. This allegation may be up for debate; however, they are irrevocably anti-Israel. That is not up for debate.

OccupyBoston claims only a fraction of the protesters attended the march to the Israeli Consulate; yet, this event was published on their websites homepage. If only a rogue group decided to participate in the march, why then was this advertised so publicly? There are many questions that will go unanswered. Noah David Simon gives his feed back on the matter, and he's pissed.

Members of the Jewish community have created and the twitter page
@OccupyJudaism #OccupySukkot #OccupyShabbat #OccupyYomKippur #OccupyTorah

They have come out in support of protesting the Israeli Consulate and stand in #solidarity with Gaza. They clearly do not feel it is "anti-Semitic"; otherwise, they wouldn't support this. They have publicly announced their disapproval of Zionism. Here is a tweet from OccupyJudaism below.

 Occupy Judaism
As usual, the only people at who have anything negative to say to us about being Jewish are right-wing Jews
We are very glad they have not received wide spread hate, that is a good sign. However, we are very surprised the movement have become somewhat religious. There is now a twitter page called @OccupyTheVatican - some have and will continue to say this is an attack on Christianity. But one of their tweets leads me to believe these are Christians running the twitter page; they are implying the Vatican is part of the NWO and will play a large rule in Biblical prophesy. The link below is a youtube playlist about the Tribulation. If these people were anti-Christianity, they most certainly would not take Biblical prophecy seriously. But we're still left with the question of, "are they anti-Catholic?" There is a difference between anti-Vatican and being against Catholicism and Catholics (the people). Are they against the faith and devout believers, or are they just mad at Vatican corruption? We're all ears, please tell the world your true intentions asap!

 Occupy The Vatican!
Excellent work by whoever decoded this... Prophecy explained

 moon batchelder
rome and catholic hierarchy are the 1% RT Occupy Vatican?

 Nick Howdy
Occupy the f*cking Vatican! Pope wants a World Bank/NWO. I mean who the Hell are these sick evil people? Yes the...

 Father Dave
Whoda thought the Vatican Supports Occupy Wall Street:

 Occupy The Vatican!

The History of Zionism and the Illegitimate State of Israel via
The readers will have to judge these tweets for themselves. Is OccupyTheVatican implying Israel was created illegally, or are they protesting today's boarders? The UN Resolution of 1948 created Israel; however there was no resolution for the creation of the State of Jordan. Under the original British Mandate of Palestine, both modern Israel and Jordan were a whole under the Mandate. Israel was created and the Hashemite tribe of Jordan cut a deal with the British, thus putting the self-appointed Jordanian Royal family into power over the region of Transjordan. Here's the problem: if this (technically) illegal deal was never made, Transjordan would have been established as THE Palestinian State. Perhaps the world should not only look to Israel, perhaps Jordan owes it to all of the rejected Palestinians that were not allowed to apply for Jordanian citizenship. Jordan is a major reason for Palestinian refugee camps, how can the world turn a blind eye to Jordan's crimes?
"King Hussein of Jordan ejected Arafat's Palestinians in September 1970, called Black September because they were trying to take over his kingdom. King Hussein drove them into Lebanon after killing more than 10,000." 
(Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East analyst & commentator)
If Israel is to blame, so is Jordan. Jordan is Palestine, throw out the Hashemite's from power and reclaim your ancestral homeland. Imagine The West Bank united with at least half of Jordan, that would create a decently sized country while allowing Israel to exist.
That's a peace we all hope for.
"Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine; there is one people and one land, with one history and one and the same fate." (Prince Hassan, brother of King Hussein, addressing the Jordanian National Assembly, 2nd February 1970)

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4th: The Eve of Revolution | #OccupyUnveiled

On this day, we learned of another hospitalized Iraq War Veteran by the name of Kayvan Sabehgi. The OPD (Oakland Police Dept.) brutaly beat Kayvan Sabehgi with night sticks, causing the rupturing of his spleen. We would like to take the time to send our thoughts and prayers to all OPD victims, you are not alone.

Is this not enough? Mayor Quan, have you nothing to say? You gave city employees permission to attend the demonstration and one phone call later, you give the order for Police to step up tactics? This is why people are petitioning your resignation if you haven't noticed. This is why people have taken it upon themselves to show aggression by throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at your officers. Most (including us) will not condone the violence and vandalism; however, it is in response to your violent tendencies. The source of blame is right in front of you - you need only look into a mirror.

And yes... Remember, Remember the 5th of November - it's that time again. Anonymous has made a bold declaration to destroy Facebook, will they succeed? Others attending the numerous cities standing with OWS, vow something bigger will happen.

Is there a greater event planned for the 5th? What can we expect as we are growing closer to The Eve of Revolution?

An anonymous source has requested a poem be published for the 5th.

What is it,
What do you see?
It passed so long ago,
This blood is all that remains.
Wind scatters Truth,
It has sailed away.
Gathered and set Ablaze.
The Wolves are coming.
The Wolves are coming.
What have you done,
The Wolves are coming.
Eager to feed,
The Wolves are coming.
Wet eyes.
Hot Skin.
Heavy Heart.
I'm surrounded in Blame,
Trapt in this shroud.
I Remember,

I sit here,
Awaiting the Eve of Revolution.
Believing with the Hope of Absolution.
Ignite and Defy.

Happy Bonfire Day

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oakland is only the Beginning | #OccupyUnveiled

A lot has happened during OccupyOakland: tear gas, flash bangs, rubber bullets and numerous arrests by Police - while protesters have tried to remain non-violent, some have resorted to tagging Whole Foods and Wells Fargo and even throwing Molotov cocktails. Things are just getting started; however, the source of this new found aggression from protesters is directly linked to Scott Olson. An Iraq War Veteran who was a victim of Police brutality and remains in critical condition.
Below are photos of the vandalization:

Whole Foods Market Oakland

However, these pictures DO NOT represent the entire movement:


Other pictures cause concern if not fear in some:

This last picture from Oakland sends a chilling reminder of a past video:

Perhaps the video is a rude comparison; that's just what came to my mind. It's best if you take the comparison as nothing more than paranoia. Please note we are not making a Hitler Youth comparison like others have of the video!

What comes to your mind? What do you think of the kids participation? Do you think its good for younger kids to get involved - do these kids understand what OWS is about? There are a lot of underlying questions about the kids, we assume they have parental consent. Hopefully, their parents are in the crowd with them.

Here is one of the most interesting OWS posters we've seen.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Obama Admin Endorsing Crony Capitalism? | #OccupyUnveiled

Everyone is aware of our 14 trillion dollar debt and it's nearing the 15 mark. It's impossible to point a single finger of blame to one person or branch of Government. When individuals abuse their power as leaders, acknowledging poor choices is the first step to taking responsibility. This overdue apology has yet to happen from anyone in Government. In recent news, two Green companies have received Government bailouts and have gone under at the expense of the American tax payer. Is that the kind of "CHANGE" and "HOPE you can believe in"? The U.S. is far behind the global standard for Green energy; our nation needs to commit to improving our approach on alternative energy. However, scandals like this put progress back 10 years.

NextEra Energy, a Green energy firm, is led by a member of President Obama's jobs council. This alone raises suspicions leading to a conflict-of-interest. NextEra Energy has received Government loans in the amount of $2 billion dollars. Who is this member of Obama's jobs council? Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay, who just happens to have ensured a secure loan guarantee in August for a solar project in the state of California. Below are a few quotes on this matter from Sen. Jeff Sessions; please try not to let the source of the article skew your opinions.

"A person who receives a loan of over $2 billion for his private company certainly would not be an independent voice in whether or not energy loans are wise investments for the taxpayer," Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, told "He is in a position that he couldn't possibly be objective." (FoxNews)

"The conservative National Center for Public Policy Research described the jobs council's recommendations as a case of "self-dealing." Tom Borelli, director of the group's Free Enterprise Project, said Hay and other members with a stake in the industry should recuse themselves from drafting guidelines that would benefit that sector -- a point Sessions echoed." (FoxNews)
"It's crony capitalism," Borelli said. "In a jobs panel, it's a clear conflict of interest." (FoxNews)
It is a known fact we cannot compete with manufacturing on a global scale, Green energy is another industry added to the growing list of failures. Scandals such as these cost not only tax payer money, it costs jobs. How much of that $2 billion did Lewis Hay get to pocket for making the deal?

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