Image source: LATimes Trade your soul for: A) Keystone XL B) China |
Will the environmentalists protesting Keystone XL in San Fransisco direct their objections to Canada and China? They most certainly should. The pipeline is very complicated; on one hand you have the environmental implications and on the other you create an upwards of 100,000+ jobs and billions have been estimated to stimulate the economy. President Obama's decision to delay may determine the 2012 election, we'll wait and see.
Most are simply unaware of China's recent real estate purchases in Central America around the Panama Canal. China owns ALL of the land surrounding the Canal, thus controlling who goes in and out... and at what price. And now with the last major public works projects of the decade sold to the highest bidder, to China no less, unions and workers should unite with outrage. How can Obama sacrifice the welfare and future employment of this country for political gain and international favor with China? President Obama's actions speak loud and clear, he is more than willing to bow before Mao and hang the Star Spangled Banner out to dry.
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