Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Obama Admin Endorsing Crony Capitalism? | #OccupyUnveiled

Everyone is aware of our 14 trillion dollar debt and it's nearing the 15 mark. It's impossible to point a single finger of blame to one person or branch of Government. When individuals abuse their power as leaders, acknowledging poor choices is the first step to taking responsibility. This overdue apology has yet to happen from anyone in Government. In recent news, two Green companies have received Government bailouts and have gone under at the expense of the American tax payer. Is that the kind of "CHANGE" and "HOPE you can believe in"? The U.S. is far behind the global standard for Green energy; our nation needs to commit to improving our approach on alternative energy. However, scandals like this put progress back 10 years.

NextEra Energy, a Green energy firm, is led by a member of President Obama's jobs council. This alone raises suspicions leading to a conflict-of-interest. NextEra Energy has received Government loans in the amount of $2 billion dollars. Who is this member of Obama's jobs council? Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay, who just happens to have ensured a secure loan guarantee in August for a solar project in the state of California. Below are a few quotes on this matter from Sen. Jeff Sessions; please try not to let the source of the article skew your opinions.

"A person who receives a loan of over $2 billion for his private company certainly would not be an independent voice in whether or not energy loans are wise investments for the taxpayer," Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, told "He is in a position that he couldn't possibly be objective." (FoxNews)

"The conservative National Center for Public Policy Research described the jobs council's recommendations as a case of "self-dealing." Tom Borelli, director of the group's Free Enterprise Project, said Hay and other members with a stake in the industry should recuse themselves from drafting guidelines that would benefit that sector -- a point Sessions echoed." (FoxNews)
"It's crony capitalism," Borelli said. "In a jobs panel, it's a clear conflict of interest." (FoxNews)
It is a known fact we cannot compete with manufacturing on a global scale, Green energy is another industry added to the growing list of failures. Scandals such as these cost not only tax payer money, it costs jobs. How much of that $2 billion did Lewis Hay get to pocket for making the deal?

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